Have: Organisation

Want: Common Sense


Organisation and organism are very similar words.

An organism is a living system of organs, an entirety. Although the word comes from the world of biology, organisation are easily comparable to organisms, which change continually.

On this page you can read more about how we can help your organisation becoming an entity, capable of reaching its goals with the right individuals and competences.

The only certainty, is change

Organisational Development

The world is constantly changing, seemingly at an ever-increasing speed. Companies continually “keep up” with the development. The very best companies prepare for the challenges by constantly being at the forefront of organisational development.

Genius is to maintain common sense throughout both development and business processes.

So many of us have experienced “pseudo work” – meaning work that “just has to be done, without anyone really knowing the value to the company, let alone the customer. The top performers of companies generally want to feel they make a difference; that they bring value. This is obviously also what makes the most sense for the company.

This is why it is important to think through how we organise ourselves on the following parameters:

Knowledge: Where do I find it easiest possible, how can we share it and increase it.

• Organisation: Who is before and after me in the internal value chain, and how do get biggest benefit from this internal supplier and customer relationship? How do we organise best for success?

• Quality: Are we in control of quality? Do we have awareness of acceptable and unacceptable quality? How do we strengthen a culture of quality in the company?

• Strategy: What is our goal with the company? What is the purpose of our profit? What is the point of the company?

Organisational Development usually leans on change management.

Program Structure

A typical program will run over 3-7 days, depending on company size. These days we follow the organisation as it is today and interview managers, specialists, and key-staff. On the back of this, as short summarisation of observations will be presented to a relevant forum, along with recommendations for action, which will optimise the organisational development.

A bespoke solution-proposal is then made for your company. In the event there are topics I can be of assistance with, I will naturally discuss this with you and/or the management group.

Leadership is a craft; it just isn’t efficient to fit a lightbulb with a hammer.

Upgrading Management Qualifications

We automize and digitalize. Everything regarding running a company must be easy, efficient, and profitable. As we continually improve and progress with this, it becomes ever more crucial to mind the humans. Has management become a robotification of our employees and colleagues? If this is happening, how can we be surprised to be fighting hard on retention, recruitment, community and culture?

Any company is at the mercy of a co-dependent relationship with its employees, who to some extent require leadership. The biological and psychological aspects in this relationship must never be neglected in the qualifications and development of the present or future leaders of the company.

You can read more here about leadership development courses over 12/24 weeks, which is for all types of leaders who want to develop themselves and their organization.

Typical challenges for leaders

The impostor syndrome. This is when we feel the irrational fear of being “found out” that we are not competent enough

Wanting a workplace with a healthy working environment, perhaps especially psychologically

Retention of employees; why do they leave, is it really all about salary?

The team won’t team, people simply don’t listen. Or even worse, they do the opposite of what I want them to.

Program structure

The typical program is 12-14 sessions, as blended learning or completely online. We explore the high-impact topics which will give the best return.

Both before, during and after the program we can measure progress through self-evaluation of each leader. At the outset, this will also provide much needed input to the focus areas in most need. Throughout the program we will then challenge our core beliefs, thoughts, feelings, personal values, and core human needs.

Together we will create lasting changes in our behaviours and performance.

All details are co-created and agreed in your program. Contact me on olav@langdahlconsult.com

The best teams experience freedom – both to display and develop their talent

Team Efficiency

Teams who perform at high performance are often characterised by:

Participative leadership
Effective decision-making
Open and clear communication
Vaued diversity
Mutual trust
Managing conflict
Clear goals
Defined roles and responsibilities
Coordinative relationship
Positive atmosphere

In a collaboration with “Limbic Performance SystemTM“ (LPS) we are able to analyse team performance on the above parameters (and a few more) and co-create programs, which measurably improve any teams performance. You can check out the LPS-team model here, if you want to read more.

We work on 12 scales of team performance and create a solid foundation for strong teams, performing on a level far above what is standard for impromptu and random groupings of people, put together to achieve a given task.

Every human collaboration benefit massively from psychological safety – meaning that we feel safe and secure with our team colleagues.

Program content

The full program runs for 14 three-hour sessions over either 14 or 28 weeks. It is a step-by-step structured approach, where we continually have the option to measure results and value of our efforts. Working week by week with the team’s own analysis-data and look at where we can find greater levels of trust, increased awareness, and competences. Week by week, working together, both professionalism, collaboration, and enjoyment increase.

The team will get access to online training videos and will between sessions have weekly assignments in two’s or small groups. We recommend blended learning, and are also able to deliver the program completely online.


I am very proud of my testimonials from customers and clients

Here you can read some of them, from some of the work I have done until now. In the same way, it will be of immense joy to me to see your testimonial here, when I have made a difference for your business; or you.

“Olav har først og fremmest forstand på mennesker. Hvad der driver og motiverer. Hvordan man kommunikerer og glæder.  Olav giver en indsigt i, hvordan man får sine kolleger og medarbejdere til at tro på en og følge en. En snak med Olav er altid givende og prikker altid til ens egen selvopfattelse – på den gode måde.”

Morten Nørgaard Morthorst, VP Digital Accellerator, Denmark

"Olavs ability to listen and ask the right questions, have made it possible for my employees to perform at an even higher level without compromising their personal lives."

Benjamin Juul Abildgaard – Engineering Manager, Denmark

“Vi har brugt Olav Langdahl til at udvikle vores lederes personlige lederskab – en opgave Olav med både følelsesmæssig dybde og glimt i øjet har løftet langt udover hvad vi selv havde turdet håbe på. Det at arbejde med personlige ledelseskompetencer hos ingeniører og maskinmestre er ikke noget man bare lige gør. Det kræver både mod, tålmodighed og faglighed – samt ikke mindst timing.”

Johnny H. G. Ryser, Adm. Direktør, Nordic Green Solutions, Danmark

“I started in a new role as Manager, in a rather young age, where I was responsible for technical experienced colleagues.

This was a huge transition from being a technical employee towards leading my former colleagues.

Through a number of sessions with Olav, I gained confidence in performing in my new role and I got a lot of support that helped me kickoff my managing career.

I would recommend anyone to have a session with Olav, either if it is just for a small daily-life struggle or if you needs coaching support.”

Frederik Sig Pedersen, Engineering Manager, Denmark

"During a particular challenging project Olav coached me to get my head out of my ass, and gain a constructive perspective on both the project and my personal journey through it. I am incredibly thankful to have had the chance to work with Olav, and highly recommend his services."

Lars, Ph.D. – Software Engineer, Denmark


"Olav is the best coach I ever had. He motivated me to ask for help. He helps me understand why other people act the way they do. He taught me to find happiness in the small things. After every session I feel I can manage whatever life throws at me :)"

Jolanta, Accountant, Poland

"Olav has been a phenomenal coach to me. He is one of the most positive and encouraging people I’ve ever met. He not only helped me focus on the real objectives to attain my goals but provided insight into patterns that were holding me back. He has helped me transform my mindset, see my true self and believe in my abilities. Everything happened just in a week and it’s unbelievably amazing! Most importantly, he is always there for you."

Zohreh, HR Professional, Denmark
