Explorer in change, relations, people; and the management of those three


Who is Olav Langdahl?

Both my educational and career exploits are many and diverse. Common to all of them is my passion to see people be and perform their best, every day. My best day is to first-hand experience the personal and professional development succeed for my customers.

I believe all people have a right to experience life’s real abundance, also at work. Through authenticity, courage and openness, I connect people and organisations with their own passion, potential and performance.

People of Surplus!

You know some of them; those people who give you more energy. People who lift you, and their community, wherever they are, up to new heights. People who lift their gaze and see beautiful horizons, even when challenges seem to form an endless queue.

Openness generate trust, and the experience of being part of a real team; one, which is stronger than the number of members – a place where the joint ambition of the community feels unreachable, but the united strength makes everything possible; this is the essence of what I chase.

I have seen it again and again. It is possible and it is my ambition for everyone I work with.

My own secret dream is to walk through the doors of a Formula One team and work with leadership development and team efficiency. I have followed the sport since 1978 (I was just 5 at the time) and I am well on my way to that goal. Along the way I have managed more than 15 motorsport talents; one I helped become Danish Champion, and he even went on to become World Champion a little later.

Someone has to do it, so why not me?

The best companies don’t just exchange time for money.

Owners and leaders of the best companies have long realised that the concept of “work” no longer is limited to a “paycheck to live”. It is as if we have moved from that thinking and more towards “paycheck and facilitation of self-realisation”. The notions of “lifelong learning” have brought with it the need for continual learning through life, and now this includes learning about oneself.

Top employers like Novo, LEGO, Maersk, and others apparently offer personal development coaching to staff at middle management and upwards.

Today we know it all, or we can find it on the Internet; and many have forgotten themselves in this process. The global pandemic forced us to a large extent to work from home, and in as society was closed, people were confronted with their own sub conscience.

Questions like “what is the point of it all?” and “who am I really?” peaked out from behind the huge amount of distractions we were busying ourself with in a normal (and busy) weekday.


The best companies understand that the mutual dependency they have with their employees demand we develop together.Not just vocationally, but also as humans.

By the way, these are also the companies with success in retaining employees for longer periods of time.


The worlds craziest background; to become out of the ordinary.

From a priestly family, I initially rebelled and became a fireworks display artist. Later, the rebellion continued with studies in economics (not a popular choice for the son of a preacher man).

Inevitably I was eventually drawn into theological studies and worked as a pastor in England for 10 years.

Feeling there was more I needed to accomplish, I returned to Denmark and did cultural turnarounds in a couple of departments in Siemens Wind Power (I still have no idea why they hired a priest, but they must have been desperate).

The prize for great results was a choice of education, and I completed the Executive Masters in Management of Technology from Aalborg University in 2015.

This year I will commence teaching on this program, something I am very excited about.

I went on to other work and finished a Masters in High Performance Leadership in 2021, as well as an “Altruist Certification” to allow me to teach that masters program. I also added a Thomas Int. DISC certification.

Today I am studying Team, Board and Systemic Coaching with Henley University. Who knows where my curiosity takes me next; I won’t ever stop adding to my already significant toolbox.

That’s (sort of) me, let’s have a chat?



I am very proud of my testimonials from customers and clients

Here you can read some of them, from some of the work I have done until now. In the same way, it will be of immense joy to me to see your testimonial here, when I have made a difference for your business; or you.

“Olav har først og fremmest forstand på mennesker. Hvad der driver og motiverer. Hvordan man kommunikerer og glæder.  Olav giver en indsigt i, hvordan man får sine kolleger og medarbejdere til at tro på en og følge en. En snak med Olav er altid givende og prikker altid til ens egen selvopfattelse – på den gode måde.”

Morten Nørgaard Morthorst, VP Digital Accellerator, Denmark

"Olavs ability to listen and ask the right questions, have made it possible for my employees to perform at an even higher level without compromising their personal lives."

Benjamin Juul Abildgaard – Engineering Manager, Denmark

“Vi har brugt Olav Langdahl til at udvikle vores lederes personlige lederskab – en opgave Olav med både følelsesmæssig dybde og glimt i øjet har løftet langt udover hvad vi selv havde turdet håbe på. Det at arbejde med personlige ledelseskompetencer hos ingeniører og maskinmestre er ikke noget man bare lige gør. Det kræver både mod, tålmodighed og faglighed – samt ikke mindst timing.”

Johnny H. G. Ryser, Adm. Direktør, Nordic Green Solutions, Danmark

“I started in a new role as Manager, in a rather young age, where I was responsible for technical experienced colleagues.

This was a huge transition from being a technical employee towards leading my former colleagues.

Through a number of sessions with Olav, I gained confidence in performing in my new role and I got a lot of support that helped me kickoff my managing career.

I would recommend anyone to have a session with Olav, either if it is just for a small daily-life struggle or if you needs coaching support.”

Frederik Sig Pedersen, Engineering Manager, Denmark

"During a particular challenging project Olav coached me to get my head out of my ass, and gain a constructive perspective on both the project and my personal journey through it. I am incredibly thankful to have had the chance to work with Olav, and highly recommend his services."

Lars, Ph.D. – Software Engineer, Denmark


"Olav is the best coach I ever had. He motivated me to ask for help. He helps me understand why other people act the way they do. He taught me to find happiness in the small things. After every session I feel I can manage whatever life throws at me :)"

Jolanta, Accountant, Poland

"Olav has been a phenomenal coach to me. He is one of the most positive and encouraging people I’ve ever met. He not only helped me focus on the real objectives to attain my goals but provided insight into patterns that were holding me back. He has helped me transform my mindset, see my true self and believe in my abilities. Everything happened just in a week and it’s unbelievably amazing! Most importantly, he is always there for you."

Zohreh, HR Professional, Denmark
