Langdahl Consult

People of Surplus!

The easiest leadership is leading autonomous colleagues. Our aim is to enable you to lead your people to autonomy.

People of Surplus!

Companies live from the energy of its employees. All performance is created through that energy we collectively put in to achieve our goals. A happy business is an attractive business, and it is felt all the way from going to work, and through to the bottom line in the bank.

Our toolbox is crammed full, both of education and global experience from careers. We can inspire, communicate, coach and encourage. What is most important to us, is that it is you as a business that must be enabled to succeed.

Organisational Development

Knowledge is growth for the future – investment. What is not developed is dismantled

The constant global change demands quick and unhindered tactical shifts. Organisations need, through solid collaboration and willpower, to match the many new challenges.

Today, organisations depend on the constant updating and replication of knowledge to an ever-growing number of employees. We all love specialists and talents, and we need to learn to bring them into play correctly, to the benefit of all.

It must be easy for all employees to succeed
The learning organisation is the winning organisation
The more growth, the more complexity – simplification is genius

Upgrading Management Qualifications

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care

Leadership is a craft. “Sense” & “sensibility” is a fine beginning, however, if we want truly professional organisations and businesses, we need to upgrade management qualifications. Good personnel management is created on a foundation of reflection and built on empathy. To be a good leader, you want to be visible and involving. The best way of learning is step-by-step, little-by-little; preferably around the practical daily challenges.

Leadership, biology and neurology
Motivation and Culture-design
Relational leadership and difficult conversations
Step-by-step training for new and young leaders

Upgrading Management Qualifications

People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care

Leadership is a craft. “Sense” & “sensibility” is a fine beginning, however, if we want truly professional organisations and businesses, we need to upgrade management qualifications. Good personnel management is created on a foundation of reflection and built on empathy. To be a good leader, you want to be visible and involving. The best way of learning is step-by-step, little-by-little; preferably around the practical daily challenges.

Leadership, biology and neurology
Motivation and Culture-design
Relational leadership and difficult conversations
Step-by-step training for new and young leaders

Team Efficiency

The best teams have psychological safety

A team has a shared task or project, but are they really a team, or are they a group of people we put together? – I honestly don’t know anything about your products or services, but I can help you with how you make them.

You have deadlines, targets, part-targets, etc. You have meetings, generate ideas and plans. You have contracts with customers and suppliers. Let’s make sure the team can realise its best performance, together, every day; and enjoy doing it.

Through analysis, we can identify opportunities for improvement
Through shared learning, we open up new potential
Meaningful KPIs, objectives and form of cooperation


I am very proud of my testimonials from customers and clients

Here you can read some of them, from some of the work I have done until now. In the same way, it will be of immense joy to me to see your testimonial here, when I have made a difference for your business; or you.

“Olav har først og fremmest forstand på mennesker. Hvad der driver og motiverer. Hvordan man kommunikerer og glæder.  Olav giver en indsigt i, hvordan man får sine kolleger og medarbejdere til at tro på en og følge en. En snak med Olav er altid givende og prikker altid til ens egen selvopfattelse – på den gode måde.”

Morten Nørgaard Morthorst, VP Digital Accellerator, Denmark

"Olavs ability to listen and ask the right questions, have made it possible for my employees to perform at an even higher level without compromising their personal lives."

Benjamin Juul Abildgaard – Engineering Manager, Denmark

“Vi har brugt Olav Langdahl til at udvikle vores lederes personlige lederskab – en opgave Olav med både følelsesmæssig dybde og glimt i øjet har løftet langt udover hvad vi selv havde turdet håbe på. Det at arbejde med personlige ledelseskompetencer hos ingeniører og maskinmestre er ikke noget man bare lige gør. Det kræver både mod, tålmodighed og faglighed – samt ikke mindst timing.”

Johnny H. G. Ryser, Adm. Direktør, Nordic Green Solutions, Danmark

“I started in a new role as Manager, in a rather young age, where I was responsible for technical experienced colleagues.

This was a huge transition from being a technical employee towards leading my former colleagues.

Through a number of sessions with Olav, I gained confidence in performing in my new role and I got a lot of support that helped me kickoff my managing career.

I would recommend anyone to have a session with Olav, either if it is just for a small daily-life struggle or if you needs coaching support.”

Frederik Sig Pedersen, Engineering Manager, Denmark

"During a particular challenging project Olav coached me to get my head out of my ass, and gain a constructive perspective on both the project and my personal journey through it. I am incredibly thankful to have had the chance to work with Olav, and highly recommend his services."

Lars, Ph.D. – Software Engineer, Denmark


"Olav is the best coach I ever had. He motivated me to ask for help. He helps me understand why other people act the way they do. He taught me to find happiness in the small things. After every session I feel I can manage whatever life throws at me :)"

Jolanta, Accountant, Poland

"Olav has been a phenomenal coach to me. He is one of the most positive and encouraging people I’ve ever met. He not only helped me focus on the real objectives to attain my goals but provided insight into patterns that were holding me back. He has helped me transform my mindset, see my true self and believe in my abilities. Everything happened just in a week and it’s unbelievably amazing! Most importantly, he is always there for you."

Zohreh, HR Professional, Denmark
